
We are committed to creating and fostering a safe, fair, equitable, inclusive and supportive working culture at Lucky Socks Media. At all times we promote unequivocal respect for each other and value our individual differences. 

The purpose of this policy is to set out our commitment to a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of bullying, harassment, discrimination and unacceptable behaviour, which are entirely contrary to our values and mission. We commit to treating everyone equally regardless of their age, disability, sexuality, gender, race, religion or belief, marital or employment status. 

Everyone at Lucky Socks Media is entitled to work in a dignified, professional environment, where we encourage and promote open and honest dialogue, positive and constructive feedback and critical discourse.

This policy applies to everyone working at or with Lucky Socks Media, inclusive of all company directors, employees, freelancers, suppliers, clients, volunteers, trainees and visitors. Anyone who works at or with Lucky Socks Media can invoke this policy to protect their rights and wellbeing, and to seek an appropriate remedy for any infractions.

This policy is co-authored by Lucky Socks Media staff and its freelancers, and is reviewed annually. If you have suggestions for improving this policy, we want to hear from you. Please request a meeting with the company directors who will consider and openly discuss all contributions.  

Our values

Our values underpin everything we do and highlight what is important to us as an organisation.

  • Audience First: we put kids at the heart of what we do.
  • Online Responsibility: we care about kids’ safety and advise the NSPCC
  • A Client-Based Approach: we find solutions to fit you and your budget
  • Clarity, Every Step Of The Way: we don’t do jargon or blue-sky promises


Bullying may be by an individual, against an individual or involve multiple people. It can be carried out by anyone at all levels, including your peers. It is destructive, creates a hostile or degrading working environment. It can take many forms including offensive communication, excluding or ignoring people, unfair treatment, undermining or humiliating someone, and whatever form it takes, it is unacceptable, unwarranted and unwelcome. 

Harassment is against the law and is bullying that relates to one of the nine protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010: age, sex, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation.

At work means any place where you are acting in a professional capacity for or with Lucky Socks Media, including work-related social events and/or work-related use of social media. 

Raising A Complaint 

At Lucky Socks, we want everyone to feel safe to raise either an informal or formal complaint. 

Under no circumstances will you be penalised or reprimanded for raising a complaint, provided you do so in good faith. 

We use the Call It! App on all of our long-term projects, where all employees or freelancers can report how they were treated at work every day, and confidentially report any concerns. The app enables us to monitor our workplace culture, and provide wellbeing and mental health support for everyone. 

Should you wish to raise a complaint, please request a private meeting with the CEO, or, in the event the complaint involves the CEO, with a Company Director. 

The substance of informal complaints remains confidential unless otherwise agreed. 

If a formal complaint is raised, the complaint will be investigated and the individual/s involved with by given an opportunity to hear and respond to the allegations made against them. The CEO will determine what consequences are appropriate in the circumstances. 

Review Date

Annual review in November 2024.