What the Lucky Socks Media team stands for

The senior team at Lucky Socks are professionally trained in leading and facilitating world-class standards for raising DEI awareness, creating award-winning diverse, inclusive and sustainable content and implementing best working practices

We have delivered such leadership for BBC Sport, BBC News & BBC Children’s, the Commonwealth Games, Chelsea FC, the Government Digital Service and a string of clients.

In past roles with the BBC, the Lucky Socks Media team have been at the forefront of ensuring diverse recruitment through both the widening of candidate searches and interview assessment techniques and panels.

We are also committed to ensuring diversity in the content we make, ensuring it properly reflects our audiences across all forms of diversity.

We’re proud that our collective experience has won us awards recognising our efforts in these fields and enabling projects we’re proud to have been part of, including pitching and establishing the BBC Kids Collection on Getty Images in 2020, vastly improving the volume and quality of diverse kids and family imagery available to all.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Policy

Lucky Socks Media respects the diversity and dignity of every individual and holds itself to the highest standards in promoting and creating an equitable, respectful and inclusive workplace. 

We do not tolerate any bullying, harassment or discrimination of any kind from or directed towards any individual/s we work with. For more details on this and how we address any issues, please refer to our Dignity At Work policy. 

We provide DEI training and learning opportunities to all our staff and freelancers, as well as opportunities to openly reflect and discuss DEI awareness and policy. At any time, anyone who wishes to raise a query or suggest amendments or additions to this policy can request a meeting with the CEO who will listen to and consider all contributions. This policy is reviewed by all staff and freelancers annually. 

We truly believe that a diversity of ideas, voices and inclusive representation makes our content richer, more valuable and more meaningful, creating better impact for our audiences and clients and honouring our Lucky Socks values.